How to create an alert

Learn how to create an alert.

Important information:

  • To access the Alerts page and use all the features in this article, you need to have permission ALERT:CREATE. Learn more in the Roles documentation.

  • The default Support, Developers, and Governance Manager groups already have them, but if you prefer, you can add the system role to your access group.

Please note that you also have the option to configure alert notifications via email, Slack, Telegram, and Webhook.

Follow these steps to create an alert:

  1. Go to the Settings page.

  2. Under Notifications, click on Alerts.

  3. Click Create.

  4. If you choose to create alerts by pipeline, select the pipeline to which you want to assign them.

  5. Set up the alert according to the metric you want to use.

Important information:

  1. Enter the email addresses to which the alert notification should be sent.

How to insert multiple email addresses
  1. Enter a name for the alert.

It’s not possible to add special characters like "_" to the alert name. The only exception is “-”, which can be used as a substitute for a blank space.

  1. Enter the content of the email to be sent.

For steps 7 and 8: if you leave these fields empty, a default message will be sent.

  1. Click Save.

When we first create an alert, it’s by default deactivated and needs to be manually activated.

Last updated