
Discover more about the Relationship component and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

Relationship component creates relations between 1 or more entities so that searches in different bases can be made.

Important: the component doesn't support concurrent accesses while trying to update or save new relations.


Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).


  • Match: searches a match between 2 fields and the declared value.

  • Create: creates a relation by the field.

  • Update: update an existing relation by the field.

  • Get by field and value: searches a relation between the field and its value.

  • Translate: translates an IDs list based on the path specified in "Translate Path".

  • Delete Exact: delete an exact relation in all the declared fields.

Important: it's necessary to declare the query inside the relation object:

    relation : {
        field1: value
        field2: value

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