HL7 Trigger

Know the trigger and how to use it.

This feature is currently in restricted beta phase and is only available to specific customers.

HL7 Trigger receives messages in HL7 format from healthcare systems to the Digibee Integration Platform. The HL7 (Health Level 7) communications protocol is used in the healthcare industry for exchanging data between different systems and medical devices. You can also learn more about the HL7 component in our documentation.

Take a look at the configuration parameters of the trigger:

  • HL7 Pipeline Name: name of the pipeline.

  • HL7 Message Charset: charset for the HL7 message received by the trigger.

  • Maximum Timeout (in ms): time limit before expiration, in milliseconds.

  • Filter from Header (MSH-3): value from a specific header. This field is mandatory and currently only allows MSH-3 headers.

HL7 Trigger in action


  "body": "<CONTEUDO_DA_MSG_HL7>"

Message example (anonymized):

  "body": "MSH|^~\\&|TESTE|SFCT|RAPP|RFCT|20080312181835||ADT^A01|0D23ACC3-17CD-4FF4-BE66-AD4A6572079E|P|2.4\rEVN|A01|20080312181835\rPID|1||722347^^^^MR||PATIENT^TEST||19581221|F|||HIGH STREET 91^^SAINT PAUL^MN^55175^USA||(123)456-78-90^^PH|(844)955-17-21^^PH\rPV1|1|I|P166^R8^B4|R|||728625^WRIGHT^AMANDA^^MD^DR\rDG1|1|I9|472|CHRONIC PHARYNGITIS AND NASOPHARYNGITIS||A"

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