List of permissions by service
Consult the description of each permission available on the Digibee Integration Platform.
Below you will find a description of each permission in the Digibee Integration Platform, separated by service. The permissions for the system roles can be found in the Roles documentation.
AI Assistant
AI-ASSISTANT:READ: access the AI Assistant feature.
API Keys (Environment)
APIKEY:CREATE: create new API keys on the Consumers (API keys) page.
APIKEY:READ: view existing API keys on the Consumers (API keys) page.
APIKEY:UPDATE: update existing API keys on the Consumers (API keys) page.
APIKEY:DELETE: delete existing API keys on the Consumers (API keys) page.
APIKEY:CREATE:ACL: associate pipelines to existing API keys.
APIKEY:CREATE:APIKEY: create new keys for existing consumers on the Consumers (API keys) page.
APIKEY:DELETE:APIKEY: delete existing keys for existing consumers on the Consumers (API keys) page.
ACCOUNT:CREATE: create new account on the Accounts page.
ACCOUNT:READ: view existing accounts on the Accounts page.
ACCOUNT:UPDATE: update existing accounts on the Accounts page.
ACCOUNT:DELETE: delete existing accounts on the Accounts page.
ALERT:CREATE: create new alerts on the Alerts page.
ALERT:READ: view existing alerts on the Alerts page.
ALERT:UPDATE: update existing alerts on the Alerts page
ALERT:DELETE: delete existing alerts on the Alerts page.
AUDIT:READ: view the audit records on the Audit page.
CAPSULE:CREATE: create new Capsules on the Capsules page.
CAPSULE:READ: view existing Capsules on the Capsules page.
CAPSULE:UPDATE: update existing Capsules on the Capsules page.
CAPSULE:DELETE: delete existing Capsules on the Capsules page.
CAPSULE:UPDATE:PUBLISH: publish Capsules to be used on pipelines.
Capsule Collection
CAPSULE:CREATE:COLLECTION: create new collections on the Capsules page.
Capsule Group
CAPSULE:CREATE:GROUP: create new groups to organize Capsules on the Capsules page.
CAPSULE:DELETE:GROUP: delete existing group on the Capsules page.
CAPSULE:UPDATE:GROUP: update existing group on the Capsules page.
Capsule Header
CAPSULE:CREATE:HEADER: create new headers for Capsules.
CAPSULE:DELETE:HEADER: delete existing headers for Capsules.
CAPSULE:UPDATE:HEADER: update existing headers for Capsules.
Completed Execution
MESSAGE:READ: view the list of execution messages in all environments.
CONSUMER:CREATE: create consumers and API keys on the realm.
CONSUMER:READ: view existing consumers and API keys on the realm.
CONSUMER:UPDATE: update existing consumers and API keys on the realm.
CONSUMER:DELETE: delete existing consumers and API keys on the realm.
Deployment (Environment)
DEPLOYMENT:CREATE: deploy pipelines in all environments.
DEPLOYMENT:READ: view deployments in all environments.
DEPLOYMENT:DELETE: delete deployments in all environments.
DEPLOYMENT:CREATE:REDEPLOY: redeploy pipelines in the selected environment.
DEPLOYMENT:EXECUTE: manually re-execute the selected execution in all environments.
Export Log
EXPORT:READ: export the pipeline logs on the Monitor page.
GLOBAL:CREATE: create new global variable on the Globals page.
GLOBAL:READ: view existing global variables on the Globals page.
GLOBAL:UPDATE: update existing global variables on the Globals page.
GLOBAL:DELETE: delete existing global variables on the Globals page.
LICENSE:READ: view the realm licenses.
Monitor Overview
STATS:READ: view monitoring information about the pipelines through API.
REPLICA:CREATE: create new multi-instance models.
REPLICA:READ: view the existing multi-instance models.
REPLICA:UPDATE: update the existing multi-instance models.
REPLICA:DELETE: delete the existing multi-instance models.
OAuth Provider
OAUTH:CREATE: create new OAuth service.
OAUTH:UPDATE: update existing OAuth service.
OAUTH:DELETE: delete existing OAuth service.
PIPELINE:CREATE: create a new pipeline on the Build page.
PIPELINE:READ: view existing pipelines on the Build page.
PIPELINE:UPDATE: update existing pipelines on the Build page.
PIPELINE:DELETE: delete existing pipelines on the Build page.
PIPELINE:READ:HISTORY: view the history of the pipeline on the Build page.
Pipeline Configuration
CONFIGURATION:CREATE: configure the pipeline.
CONFIGURATION:READ: view the pipeline configuration.
CONFIGURATION:UPDATE: update the pipeline configuration.
Pipeline Documentation
PIPELINE-DOCUMENTATION:CREATE: create pipeline or Capsule documentation.
PIPELINE-DOCUMENTATION:READ: view pipeline or Capsule documentation.
Pipeline Log
LOG:READ: view the list of logs on the Monitor page.
Pipeline Metric
METRICS:READ: view the metrics of deployed pipelines in all environments on the Monitor page.
Platform Permission
PERMISSION:READ: view the available permissions on the Roles page.
Policy Parameter
POLICY:UPDATE: update policies on the Policies page.
POLICY:READ: view the policies on the Policies page.
PROJECT:CREATE: create new projects on the Build page.
PROJECT:READ: view existing projects for which you are assigned as a user on the Build page.
PROJECT:UPDATE: update existing projects on the Build page.
PROJECT:DELETE: delete existing projects on the Build page.
PROJECT:READ:ALL: view all existing projects, even when you aren’t an assigned user on the Build page.
PROJECT:UPDATE:LINK-WITH-PIPELINE: associate a pipeline to a project.
RELATION:CREATE: create a new relation model on the Relationship page.
RELATION:READ: view existing relation models on the Relationship page.
RELATION:UPDATE: update existing relation models on the Relationship page.
RELATION:DELETE: delete an existing relation model on the Relationship page.
Running Execution
INFLIGHT:READ: view an execution in all environments.
INFLIGHT:CANCEL: cancel an execution in all environments.
SAML Group Mapping
SAML-GROUP-MAPPING:CREATE: create new SAML group mapping.
SAML-GROUP-MAPPING:READ: view existing SAML group mappings.
SAML-GROUP-MAPPING:UPDATE: update existing SAML group mappings.
SAML-GROUP-MAPPING:DELETE: delete existing SAML group mappings.
SSO Configuration
SSO-CONFIGURATION:CREATE: create SSO configurations.
SSO-CONFIGURATION:READ: view existing SSO configurations.
SSO-CONFIGURATION:UPDATE: update existing SSO configurations.
SSO-CONFIGURATION:DELETE: delete existing SSO configurations.
Test Mode
TEST-MODE:EXECUTE: execute pipelines in the test environment.
TEST-MODE:EXECUTE:CAPSULE: execute Capsules in the test environment.
USER:CREATE: create new users on the Users page.
USER:READ: view existing users on the Users page.
USER:DELETE: delete existing users on the Users page.
USER:UPDATE: update existing users on the Users page.
USER:READ:INACTIVE-PERMISSION: view the permissions of an inactive user on the Users page.
USER:READ:PERMISSION: view the permissions of a user on the Users page.
USER:UPDATE:ASSIGN-GROUP: assign one or more groups to a user on the Users page.
User Group
GROUP:CREATE: create new groups on the Groups page.
GROUP:READ: view existing groups on the Groups page.
GROUP:UPDATE: update existing groups on the Groups page.
GROUP:DELETE: delete existing groups on the Groups page.
GROUP:READ:PERMISSION: view the permissions of existing groups on the Groups page.
User Role
ROLE:CREATE: create new roles on the Roles page.
ROLE:READ: view existing roles on the Roles page.
ROLE:UPDATE: update existing roles on the Roles page.
ROLE:DELETE: delete existing roles on the Roles page.
ZTNA:CREATE: create a new ZTNA connection
ZTNA:GENERATE-KEY: generate registration key for ZTNA Cconnections.
ZTNA:READ: view the existing ZTNA connections and Routes.
ZTNA:UPDATE: update the connection.
USER:CREATE:GENERATE-JWT: generate authentication configuration in the Digibeectl.
USER:DELETE:REVOKE-JWT: revoke authentication configuration in the Digibeectl.
USER:READ:OPEN-AUTH-CONFIG: decrypt authentication configuration in the Digibeectl.
Last updated