Discover more about the ServiceNow connector and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.
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Interact with ServiceNow via its REST API.
Take a look at the configuration options for the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB)
Required Tab
Parameter | Description | Default value | Data type |
Dynamic Account | When activated, the connector will use the account dynamically. When deactivated, it’ll use the account statically. | false | boolean |
Account Name | The name of the account that is generated dynamically via the Store Account connector. | string | |
Account | Sets the account to be used by the connector. | N/A | account |
Instance Name | The ServiceNow instance name | N/A | string |
Fail On Error | If true will stop pipeline with an error, if false will let the pipeline continue but the output will show a property success with value false | false | boolean |
Optional Tab
Parameter | Description | Default value | Data type |
Display | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards where the indicator Display field is selected. Set this parameter to all to return scorecards with any Display field value. This parameter is true by default. | true | string |
Display Value | Return the display value (true), actual value (false), or both (all) for reference fields (default: false) | false | string |
Exclude Reference Link | True to exclude Table API links for reference fields (default: false) | false | boolean |
Favorites | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards that are favorites of the querying user. | false | boolean |
Include Aggregates | Set this parameter to true to always return all available aggregates for an indicator, including when an aggregate has already been applied. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns no aggregates. | false | boolean |
Include Available Aggregates | Set this parameter to true to return all available aggregates for an indicator when no aggregate has been applied. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns no aggregates. | false | boolean |
Include Available Breakdowns | Set this parameter to true to return all available breakdowns for an indicator. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns no breakdowns. | false | boolean |
Include Score Notes | Set this parameter to true to return all notes associated with the score. The note element contains the note text as well as the author and timestamp when the note was added. | false | boolean |
Include Scores | Set this parameter to true to return all scores for a scorecard. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns only the most recent score value. | false | boolean |
Input Display Value | True to set raw value of input fields (default: false) | false | boolean |
Key | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards for key indicators. | false | boolean |
Models | Defines both request and response models | N/A | JSON |
Per Page | Enter the maximum number of scorecards each query can return. By default this value is 10, and the maximum is 100. | 10 | number |
Release | The ServiceNow release to target, default to Helsinki See | HELSINKI | string |
Request Models | Defines the request model | N/A | JSON |
Resource | The default resource, can be overridden by header CamelServiceNowResource | N/A | string |
Response Models | Defines the response model | N/A | JSON |
Sort By | Specify the value to use when sorting results. By default, queries sort records by value. | string | |
Sort Dir | Specify the sort direction, ascending or descending. By default, queries sort records in descending order. Use sysparm_sortdir=asc to sort in ascending order. | string | |
Suppress Auto Sys Field | True to suppress auto generation of system fields (default: false) | false | boolean |
Suppress Pagination Header | Set this value to true to remove the Link header from the response. The Link header allows you to request additional pages of data when the number of records matching your query exceeds the query limit | false | boolean |
Table | The default table, can be overridden by header CamelServiceNowTable | N/A | string |
Target | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards that have a target. | false | boolean |
Top Level Only | Gets only those categories whose parent is a catalog. | false | boolean |
Api Version | The ServiceNow REST API version, default latest | N/A | string |
Date Format | The date format used for Json serialization/deserialization | yyyy-MM-dd | string |
Date Time Format | The date-time format used for Json serialization/deserialization | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | string |
Retrieve Target Record On Import | Set this parameter to true to retrieve the target record when using import set api. The import set result is then replaced by the target record | false | boolean |
Time Format | The time format used for Json serialization/deserialization | HH:mm:ss | string |
Headers Tab
Parameter | Description | Default value | Data type |
CamelServiceNowResource | The resource to access | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowAction | The action to perform | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowActionSubject | The action subject | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowModel | The data model | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowRequestModel | The request data model | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowResponseModel | The response data model | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowContentType | The content type | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowContentMeta | The content meta | N/A | JSON |
CamelServiceNowResponseMeta | The response meta | N/A | JSON |
CamelServiceNowApiVersion | The REST API version | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowResponseType | The type of the response | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowRetrieveTargetRecord | Set this parameter to true to retrieve the target record. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowTable | The default table | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowSysId | The sys id | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowUserSysId | The user sys id | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowUserId | The user id | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowCartItemId | The cart item id | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowFileName | The file name | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowTableSysId | The table sys id | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowEncryptionContext | The encryption context | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowCategory | The sys param category | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowType | The sys param type | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowCatalog | The sys param catalog | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowQuery | The sys param query | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowDisplayValue | Return the display value (true), actual value (false), or both (all) for reference fields | false | string |
CamelServiceNowInputDisplayValue | True to set raw value of input fields | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowExcludeReferenceLink | True to exclude Table API links for reference fields | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowFields | The sys param fields | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowLimit | The sys param limit | N/A | number |
CamelServiceNowText | The sys param text | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowOffset | The sys param offset | N/A | number |
CamelServiceNowView | The sys param view | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowSuppressAutoSysField | True to suppress auto generation of system fields | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowSuppressPaginationHeader | Set this value to true to remove the Link header from the response. The Link header allows you to request additional pages of data when the number of records matching your query exceeds the query limit | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowMinFields | The sys param min fields | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowMaxFields | The sys param max fields | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowSumFields | The sys param sum fields | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowAvgFields | The sys param avg fields | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowCount | The sys param count | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowGroupBy | The sys param group by | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowOrderBy | The sys param order by | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowHaving | The sys param having | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowUUID | The sys param UUID | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowBreakdown | The sys param breakdown | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowIncludeScores | Set this parameter to true to return all scores for a scorecard. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns only the most recent score value. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowIncludeScoreNotes | Set this parameter to true to return all notes associated with the score. The note element contains the note text as well as the author and timestamp when the note was added. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowIncludeAggregates | Set this parameter to true to always return all available aggregates for an indicator, including when an aggregate has already been applied. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns no aggregates. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowIncludeAvailableBreakdowns | Set this parameter to true to return all available breakdowns for an indicator. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns no breakdowns. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowIncludeAvailableAggregates | Set this parameter to true to return all available aggregates for an indicator when no aggregate has been applied. If a value is not specified, this parameter defaults to false and returns no aggregates. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowFavorites | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards that are favorites of the querying user. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowKey | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards for key indicators. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowTarget | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards that have a target. | false | boolean |
CamelServiceNowDisplay | Set this parameter to true to return only scorecards where the indicator Display field is selected. Set this parameter to all to return scorecards with any Display field value. | true | string |
CamelServiceNowPerPage | Enter the maximum number of scorecards each query can return. By default this value is 10, and the maximum is 100. | 10 | number |
CamelServiceNowSortBy | Specify the value to use when sorting results. By default, queries sort records by value. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowSortDir | Specify the sort direction, ascending or descending. By default, queries sort records in descending order. Use sysparm_sortdir=asc to sort in ascending order. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowContains | The sys param contains. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowTags | The sys param tags. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowPage | The sys param page. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowElementsFilter | The sys param elements filter. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowBreakdownRelation | The sys param breakdown relation. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowDataSource | The sys param data source. | N/A | string |
CamelServiceNowTopLevelOnly | Gets only those categories whose parent is a catalog. | false | boolean |
Note: Successful executions should output at least a property "success": true
Last updated