Monitor overview

Keep track of deployed pipelines.

On the Overview page, you can keep track of created pipelines and get data about the 10 most executed pipelines.

Monitor overview

Select the environment, test or prod, on the top left of the page. Below the environment selector, the monitoring cards display the number of created and deployed pipelines, as well as the number of created accounts on the selected environment.

Use the search bar to filter pipelines by their name or a keyword, which is a part of a pipeline name.

The overview table shows a summary of the executions of the most executed pipelines in the selected period. It shows:

  • Pipeline name

  • Total number of executions (failed or successful) and failed executions

  • Pipeline version

  • Average pipeline execution time

Use the time period selector to filter the time range of the overview report. You can select a predetermined time period between the last 15 minutes and the last 30 days, or specific start and end dates and times.

Selecting a specific time period

Click on the magnifying glass icon to see the details of these executions on the Completed Executions page.

In the overview chart, you can see the number of successful and failed executions, as well as the average, minimum, and maximum execution time for the pipelines shown in the table.

Overview chart

Last updated