Cassandra DB

Discover more about the Cassandra DB component and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

Cassandra DB performs operations on an Apache Cassandra database connection.


Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

Cassandra DB in Action

CQL (Cassandra Query Language), as the name implies, is the query language for Cassandra. It uses variables in its queries by wrapping them in Double Braces, like {{id}}. Read more in our article about Double Braces Functions.

Operation Insert


  • Account: cassandra-acc

  • Operation: Insert

  • Connection String: {{global.cassandra-url}}

  • Query: INSERT INTO CUSTOMER (id, first_name) VALUES ({{ }}, {{ }});

  • Fail On Error: false


	"data": {},
	"insertCount": 1

Operation Update


  • Account: cassandra-acc

  • Operation: Update

  • Connection String: {{global.cassandra-url}}

  • Query: UPDATE CUSTOMER SET first_name = {{ message.newName }} WHERE id = {{ }};

  • Fail On Error: false


	"data": {},
	"updateCount": 1

Operation Select

Note: Databases such as Cassandra or AWS Keyspaces may automatically return paginated results if they have a significant number of registers. The Digibee Integration Platform handles this pagination automatically to consolidate the result at the output of the component as an atomic query. This means that no configuration or additional actions are required by the user to obtain these results.


  • Account: cassandra-acc

  • Operation: Select

  • Connection String: {{global.cassandra-url}}

  • Query: SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE id = {{ message.if }};

  • Fail On Error: false


	"data": [{
		"id": "5095e726-d790-4f93-9a71-10ecf2cdd72f",
		" firstName": "Rafael",
		" lastName": "Garbin"
	"rowCount": 1

Operation Delete


  • Account: cassandra-acc

  • Operation: Delete

  • Connection String: {{global.cassandra-url}}

  • Query: DELETE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE id = {{ message.if }};

  • Fail On Error: false


	"data": {},
	"deleteCount": 1

Last updated