Digibeectl operations
Check all Digibeectl available operations.
With simple commands, you can easily configure your customers. The settings are automatically saved to a file, speeding up subsequent commands.
Operations and syntax
Follow the standard syntax and descriptions in the table to perform operations in Digibeectl:
Operation | Syntax | Description |
Completion |
| Generate the autocompletion script for digibeectl for the specified shell. |
Config |
| Configure digibeectl. |
Create |
| Create resources. |
Delete |
| Delete resources. |
Get |
| Get all resources or a specific resource. |
Help |
| Help about any command. |
Info |
| Show all commands available. |
Set |
| Set a specific resource. |
Update |
| Update digibeectl to the latest version. |
Version |
| Show the version info of digibeectl. |
Below you can see the Help documentation within Digibeectl:
Resource types
The table below lists all supported resource types and their most common titles:
Resource | Description |
api-mgmt-credentials | Create, delete, or get API credentials. |
api-mgmt-url | Get API URL. |
deployment | Create a new deployment,delete deployments, or retrieve details of a specific deployment. |
deploymenthistory | Get all deployment history. |
pipeline | Read content from the pipeline. |
project | Read available projects. |
realm | Consult information about your realm. |
Resource flags
The following tables categorize resources based on their corresponding operations and indicate the respective flags for each operation:
Operation | Resource | Flags | Shorthand | Description | Permission |
get | deployment |
| List deployments. | DEPLOYMENT:READ |
| --deployment-id | -d | Filter deployment by ID. |
| --environment | -e | Filter deployments by environment (default "test"). |
| --name | -n | Filter deployments by name. |
| --projectName | -p | Filter deployments by project name. |
| --status | -s | Filter deployments by status. |
| --allspecs | -a | Show all pipeline specs (FlowSpec, TriggerSpec, InSpec, OutSpec). |
| --flowspec | -f | Show pipeline Flow specs. |
get | deployment history |
| List deployments history. |
| --name | -n | Filter deployments history by pipeline name. |
| --majorversion | -m | Filter deployments history by major version. |
| --page | -p | Show the number of items to return. Default is 1. |
| --size | -s | Show the number of pages to filter. Default is 20. |
| --help | -h | Get help with deployment history. |
create | deployment |
| --pipeline-id | (mandatory flag) | The pipeline ID. |
| --pipeline-size | -s | The pipeline size (SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE). Default: SMALL |
| --consumers | -c | The maximum number of consumers on the pipeline to be deployed (Default: SMALL=10 / MEDIUM=20 / LARGE=40). |
| --environment | -e | The pipeline environment for deployment. Default: test. |
| --instance-name | -i | The pipeline instance name required when the pipeline has multiple instances. |
| --redeploy | Enable the pipeline redeployment. |
| |
| --replicas |
| The pipeline number of replicas. Default: 1 |
| --wait |
| If active, waits for the deployment to be completed. Timeout: 300 seconds. |
delete | deployment |
| Remove a deployment. | DEPLOYMENT:DELETE |
| --deployment-id | -d | The ID of the deployment to be deleted. |
| --environment | -e | The environment of the deployment to be deleted. |
| --help | -h | List of help commands for implementation. |
Operation | Resource | Flags | Shorthand | Description | Permissions |
get | pipeline |
| List pipelines. | PIPELINE:READ |
| --allspecs |
| Show all pipeline specs (FlowSpec, TriggerSpec, InSpec, OutSpec). Required:pipeline-id |
| --flowspec | -o | Show pipeline FlowSpec. Required: --pipeline-id |
| --archived | -a | Show only archived pipelines. |
| --help | -h | Get help for the pipeline. |
| --name string | -n | Filter pipelines by name. |
| --page int |
| Page results (default 1). |
| --pipeline-id string |
| Filter pipelines by ID. |
| --pipeline-version-major string |
| Filter pipelines bymajor version. |
| --pipeline-version-minor string |
| Filter pipelines by minor version. |
| --project-id string |
| Filter pipelines by project id. |
| --show-versions |
| Show pipelines with versions. |
Operation | Resource | Flags | Shorthand | Description | Permissions |
get | realm |
| List realm information. | REALM:READ |
| --help | -h | List help commands. |
API Management
Operation | Resource | Flags | Shorthand | Description |
get | api-mgmt-credentials |
| Manage API credentials. |
| --username | -u | Search by username (optional). |
| --help | -h | Get help with the commands. |
get | api-mgmt-url |
| --help | -h | Get help with the commands. |
create | api-mgmt-credentials |
| --username | -u | username for API credentials (required). |
| --password | -p | password for API credentials (required). |
delete | api-mgmt-credentials | --username | -u | Delete a username. |
For the username to be deleted, the realm name must be included before the username.
Data Management
Operation | Subcommands | Flags | Shorthand | Description |
config | set |
| Set a new configuration with authentication parameters. |
| --file (mandatory) | -f | Generate a configuration file. |
| --secret-key (mandatory) | -s | The encrypted key. |
| --auth-key (mandatory) | -a | The authentication key. |
config | get |
| Get the realm configuration details. Default is the current realm. |
| --help | -h | List help commands. |
| --realm | -r | The realm name. |
config | view |
| Show all available realms and their configurations. |
config | list |
| List all available realms and their configurations. |
config | use |
| Change the current digibeectl realm. |
| --realm | -r | The realm name. |
config | delete |
| Delete a digibeectl configuration from a realm. |
| --realm | -r | The realm name. |
config | update |
| Update digibeectl to LTS (Long-term support) version. |
config | version |
| Display current digibeectl version. |
Last updated