Store Account (Restricted Beta)

Learn how to store accounts dynamically.

This feature is in the Restricted Beta phase and is only available to specific customers.

Store Account is a Pipeline Engine v2 exclusive component. It plays a critical role in the secure and dynamic storage of accounts locally and later, in a Vault. To enable dynamic use of accounts in different components, you must follow a two-step process:

  1. Store the desired account using the Store Account component.

  2. Reference the account name in the component where you intend to use it.

This ensures seamless and secure access to the required accounts across different functionalities.

Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component:

  • Account Name: the account name that will be stored.

  • Account Type: the account type of the account that will be stored. Supported accounts: API Key, AWS V4, Basic, Certificate Chain, Custom Auth Header, Google Key, Oauth Bearer Token, Private Key, Public Key, Secret Key, SMTP Auth, and NTLM.

  • Scoped: when the option is active, the stored account is isolated to other sub-process. In that case, sub-processes will see their own version of the stored account data.

    To know more about the Scoped feature, check out the Dynamic Accounts documentation.

To store the account you must fill the fields, which varies depending on the account type. To see all the fields for a specific account type, check out the account documentation.

Note: account types Kerberos and Oauth2 are not yet supported to use dynamically.

How to configure the Store Account?

Account Name: test-db

Account Type: Basic

Username: <DB USERNAME>

Password: <DB PASSWORD>

Usage examples

For example, assume it is necessary to authenticate to a database using a Basic credential. Perform the following steps:

  1. Configure the Store Account to create this credential to be used in the DB V2 component.

  2. Connect the DB V2 component and configure the correct data of the database to be accessed.

  3. Configure the following parameters in the DB V2:

  • enable the Use Dynamic Account parameter.

  • Account Name: test-db.

After following the configuration steps, you can dynamically use access to this database.

Last updated