
Release Notes 09/02/2024


We also made some improvements and fixed some bugs:


  • Improvements to the Slack connector: we've implemented enhancements to the connector and its documentation to make it even more intuitive to use. Learn more.

  • New SESSION-TOKEN parameter for AWS V4 accounts: you can now directly include an AWS session token when configuring an AWS V4 account. Learn more.


  • Build - Fixed incorrect access: we’ve fixed the bug where a user without permissions could access a pipeline that was created in a project they didn't have access to.

  • Capsules - Loading capsules: we’ve fixed the bug that prevented the capsule's listing page from loading collections, groups and capsules.

  • Canvas - "Account" parameters on canvas: we’ve fixed the bug when loading the selection fields of parameters of type "Account" on canvas.

  • Salesforce connector - Bulk operation not working: we’ve fixed the bug that caused the Bulk operation of the Salesforce connector to not work properly.

  • Salesforce connector - Error loading Object Name: we’ve fixed the bug that prevented the Object Name parameter from being loaded. For this purpose, we have temporarily disabled the AuthToken Reuse for the Salesforce connector.

  • HL7 connector - Charset ISO-8859-1: we’ve fixed the bug that occurred in Engine V2.

Last updated