Pipeline deployment status
Learn about the pipeline deployment status.
When a pipeline is running, it is possible to get information about the deployment date and time and how it works in real time. Check the overall status and information.
Auto refresh interval
Select the time interval to update the Run page in the menu below the search bar.
The default interval is 05 seconds. You can select four options for the time selection: 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds and OFF to switch off the updates.
Real time Information
Check the pipeline status during deployment in real time. You can use this information to manage time and plan future pipeline deployments.
Status: Starting
The Starting status happens at the beginning of the deployment and informs that the pipeline is ready for deployment.
Status: Deployed
The Deployed status indicates the pipeline deployment is complete.
Status: Error
The Error status means that the deployment was interrupted by a failure. For example, it could be an error in the Build stage or a Size selection that is not supported because the pipeline is too large.
Status: Degraded
The Degraded status indicates that the deployment has been executed but is not completed because the replicas did not happen within the 10-minute interval. You must redeploy the pipeline.
Status: Deleting
Click on the three dots on the right side of the screen to open a submenu with three options: Delete deployment, View pipeline, and Redeploy.
Select Delete Deploy to remove the executed deployment. This action deletes only the deployment with the selected version, and other versions are not changed.
The Deleting status is displayed in the pipeline card when you remove a deployment.
Last updated