ZTNA connections and routes

Visualize your ZTNA connections and routes inside the Digibee Platform

The ZTNA Connections is a new feature exclusive for ZTNA users that allows customers to visualize the complete and up-to-date list of connections and routes.

How to view connections

  1. Login to the Digibee Integration Platform.

  2. Click on the Connectivity icon in the top right corner.

  1. The feature opens in the Edge Router tab.

  1. The information about your connections is displayed.

Please note that the user permissions on the Digibee Integration Platform determine the view of available connections and routes. For more info on permissions, click here.

How to view routes

  1. Login to the Digibee Integration Platform.

  2. Click on the Connectivity icon in the top right corner.

  3. Click on the Network Mapping tab.

  1. The tab opens and the information about your routes is displayed.

To see more details, click on the information icon on the right side of each route to open the new tab Route advanced information.

On the Digibee Integration Platform, the Network Mappings (routes) are linked to the environments. In the initial phase of this feature, the link is only made with the Test & Prod environment.

What if I don't have ZTNA configured?

Since ZTNA Connections is a feature available only to ZTNA customers, you'll see the screens below when you click on the Connectivity icon. You can explore our ZTNA documentation here for more details on the benefits and steps to activate.

Last updated