HL7 (Restricted Beta)

Know the component and how to use it.

Currently, this feature is in restricted beta phase and is only available to specific customers.

HL7 component sends information to healthcare systems via the HL7 (Health Level 7) communications protocol, a healthcare industry standard for exchanging data between different systems and medical devices.

Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component:

  • Host: HL7 server host.

  • Port: HL7 server port. MLLP protocol usually runs under port 2575.

  • Connect Timeout (ms): time limit for the connection of the platform to the server (in milliseconds).

  • HL7 Message: message field that contains the data to be used. This field supports Double Braces expressions.

  • HL7 Message Charset: charset for the HL7 message.

  • Advanced Settings: if the option is active, you can access the following configurations:

    • Connection Pool: number of available connection pools.

    • Enable Retries: if the option is active, it will allow retries if the execution fails.

    • Number of Retries: defines the number of retries if the execution fails.

    • Time to Wait Between Retries (in ms): defines the time interval between retries (in milliseconds).

  • Fail on Error: if the option is active, the execution of the pipeline with error will be interrupted; otherwise, the pipeline execution proceeds, but the result will show a false value for the “success” property.

Messages flow


When executing a HL7 component, the following JSON structure will be generated:

  • success: if “true”, the operation has been successfully executed; if “false”, the operation failed.

  • exitcode: exit code.

Last updated