Pipeline execution logs download
Learn how to download logs from a pipeline execution.
Important information:
To access Pipeline Execution Logs Download and use all the features in this article, you need to have permission EXPORT:READ. Learn more in the Roles documentation.
The default Support, Developers, and Governance Manager groups already have permissions, but if you prefer, you can add the system role to your access group.
You can download logs of a given pipeline execution related to a specific pipeline execution key in CSV format via the page Completed Executions in Monitor.
A pipeline execution key is a unique identifier for each execution of a pipeline.
To use the feature, follow the steps below:
Access the Completed Executions page.
On the box icon, under the Action column, click Download Execution Logs.
On the confirmation dialog (pop-up), click Download pipeline execution key logs, then Download and obtain a CSV file up to 5MB.
The CSV file contains the following information:
It’s now also possible to customize the separator by characters of the user’s choice, limited to one character at a time, being the default character a “;” (semicolon). Note that you must select the same exported character separator when opening the file in the CSV reader for it to work correctly.
Last updated