How to use the Global Search for deployed pipelines (Restricted Beta)

Learn more about the new Global Search engine in Run for deployed pipelines.

The Global Search is currently in restricted beta phase and is only available to specific customers. Learn more about the Beta Program.

An important point in the Digibee Integration Platform is to find the pipeline you are working with, but sometimes the amount of pipelines can make you spend some time finding them. With the Global Search, it is possible to find your pipeline by the full name or part of the name through a search for all projects. You no longer need to go into each individual project to find it.

All projects field

In the column of projects, a field named All projects has been added. Clicking on it will display all your projects that have a pipeline deployed in the selected environment (test or prod).

This format makes it easier to visualize and navigate through the deployed pipelines in each project. It also helps you find the pipeline you are looking for using the Global Search, which you will learn more about in the next section.

Global Search engine

The main purpose of the Global Search is to make it easier to search a pipeline across all projects and pipelines deployed in each project.

When you enter the name of the pipeline in the search bar, the Global Search returns all pipelines that have the full name or part of the name entered and displays them by project, as shown in the following image.

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