
Discover more about the Choice component and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

Choice allows flows to take different paths inside a pipeline. It's part of a components set that helps with the integrations organization.


Take a look at the configuration options for the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

The configuration parameters will not be available if the component is not connected to other components in the pipeline. Once you connect it properly, just click at the connection point and then in the gear icon to access the parameters as shown in the image detail below:


To work with this component, you must know two structure types of Choice. They're used to create the paths:

  • When: defines a condition that allows the flow to take a different path towards a specific execution line. You must declare at least one condition.

  • Otherwise: the structure is executed when none of the When conditions is attended. You must declare at least one condition.

Type Rule


Defines expressions that go through a JSON component to reach a subset. Whenever you use Choice, a match will be made for the path execution.

Imagine that, in the path that comes before Choice, your data flow has the following output:

    "city" : "New York"

The following condition declared as When validates the path your flow should take:

$.[?( == 'New York')]

Know the other options for the JSON Path declaration:

Read this JSON Path article to learn more about the topic.


It's basically a small and simple language to evaluate expressions and predicates without demanding new dependences or JSON path knowledge.

Imagine that, in the path that comes before Choice, your data flow has the following output:

    "city" : "New York"

The condition declared as When validates the path your flow should take:

#{city} == 'New York'

Know the other options for the Simple declaration:


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