Discover more about the Telegram connector and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.
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This documentation is currently available only in English but will soon be translated into Portuguese.
The content is under revision and may change. We appreciate your understanding as we work to improve the documentation.
Send and receive messages acting as a Telegram Bot Telegram Bot API.
Take a look at the configuration options for the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB)
Required Tab
Parameter | Description | Default value | Data type |
Dynamic Account | When activated, the connector will use the account dynamically. When deactivated, it’ll use the account statically. | false | boolean |
Account Name | The name of the account that is generated dynamically via the Store Account connector. | string | |
Account | Sets the account to be used by the connector. | N/A | account |
Type | The endpoint type. Currently, only the ‘bots’ type is supported. | string | |
Fail On Error | If true will stop pipeline with an error, if false will let the pipeline continue but the output will show a property success with value false | false | boolean |
Optional Tab
Parameter | Description | Default value | Data type |
Chat Id | The identifier of the chat that will receive the produced messages. Chat ids can be first obtained from incoming messages (eg. when a telegram user starts a conversation with a bot, its client sends automatically a ‘/start’ message containing the chat id). It is an optional parameter, as the chat id can be set dynamically for each outgoing message (using body or headers). | N/A | string |
Base Uri | Can be used to set an alternative base URI, e.g. when you want to test the component against a mock Telegram API | N/A | string |
Buffer Size | The initial in-memory buffer size used when transferring data between Camel and AHC Client. | 1048576 | number |
Proxy Type | HTTP proxy type which could be used when sending out the message. | HTTP | string |
Headers Tab
Parameter | Description | Default value | Data type |
CamelTelegramChatId | This header is used by the producer endpoint in order to resolve the chat id that will receive the message. The recipient chat id can be placed (in order of priority) in message body, in the CamelTelegramChatId header or in the endpoint configuration (chatId option). This header is also present in all incoming messages. | N/A | JSON |
CamelTelegramMediaTitleCaption | This header is used to provide a caption or title for outgoing binary messages. | N/A | string |
CamelTelegramParseMode | This header is used to format text messages using HTML or Markdown | string | |
CamelMessageTimestamp | The message timestamp. | N/A | number |
Successful executions should output at least a property "success": true
Last updated