How to manage support access on your realm

Learn how to enable the access of Digibee support team on your realm

This feature is only available to users who have Access Manager permission.

The main purpose of this documentation is to teach you how to enable and manage Digibe support team access to your realms to help you with troubleshooting.

You can define a period of time for the support team to have access to your realm:

  • Minimum period: 1 day

  • Maximum period: 31 days

How to enable support access on the Platform

  1. On the Platform home page, click on the question mark icon in the upper right corner and click on the Support Access option at the menu.

  1. Set a number of days to establish a period of access for our support team to your realm. You can select a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 31 days.

  1. Click on the Grant access button to set the access period.

  2. On the same page, you can see the message confirming the access period.

How to revoke support access to the Platform

If you need to interrupt access before the established period, access the Support Access option in the menu and click on the Revoke access button.

Last updated