How to add new routes (Network Mapping)

Learn how to add new routes (Network mapping) for ZTNA on Digibee Integration Platform

This feature is only available for users who have the Connectivity Manager permissions. Read our documentation to learn more about roles in the Platform.

Follow these steps to add new ZTNA routes in the Digibee Integration Platform.

  1. On the Platform home page, click on Connectivity in the upper right corner.

  2. The page opens in the Edge Router tab.

  3. Click on the Network Mapping tab.

  4. Click on the Add Network Mapping button.

  5. A new window opens with the following input fields:

  • Ports - Ports can be placed in a range format (xxxx-xxxx)

  • Host

  • Host alias

  • Environment

If the host is an IP instead of a DNS, the user needs to turn on a toggle. In this case, a new input is displayed to fill the Host alias.

  1. Click on Save to create a new route or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Last updated