Email Trigger V2

Discover more about the Email Trigger V2 and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

This trigger supports IMAP protocol only.

Email Trigger V2 delivers data from an email inbox into the pipeline.


Take a look at the configuration parameters of the trigger. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).


  • Mark as Read: select this option if, after being processed, you want the message to be marked as read.

  • Move to Another Folder: select this option if, after being processed, you want the message to be moved to a predetermined folder. The destination is specified in the Destination Email Folder field, which only appears in the configurations when Move to Another Folder is selected.

  • Delete: select this option if, after being processed, you want the message to be deleted.


If there are attachments in the body of the message received by the trigger, these are downloaded and made available in the pipeline's execution directory. The attachment names will be contained inside the attachments property and this property will be an array of strings containing the names of the attachments.

If there are 2 attachments with the same name in the message, a unique identifier will be added to the name of the downloaded attachment.


There are 2 attachments with the name "file.csv" inside the message. Therefore, the content of the attachments property will be:

"attachments": ["file.csv", "0072e485-8ba2-4f79-bba5-8068e37ee792_file.csv"]

The identifier varies at each execution.

If you use Gmail as IMAP server host, it will be necessary to authorize the support of non-safe applications. Check Google external documentation to see the step-by-step.

Example of use

Learn the configuration parameters in the example below:

  1. Open the trigger configurations and select the email-V2 type.

  2. Fill the configuration fields according to your specifications. For this example, select the option Mark as Read in Operation.

  3. Click on Confirm.

  4. Continue to build the pipeline.

  5. Connect the components.

  6. Deploy the pipeline:

  • Click on Run, located in the superior part of the screen.

  • Select the environment, which can be test or prod.

  • Click on Create.

  • Select the pipeline with its version and capacity.

  • Click on Deploy.

  1. When triggered, the pipeline will receive a payload similar to this one:

  "textMessage": "",
 "htmlMessage": "Hello, Peter\r\nI still haven’t received the report for this month. Could you send it by the end of the day?",
"attachments": ["attachment_fileName1", "attachment_fileName2", "attachment_fileName3"]
  "subject": "Monthly report",
  "from": [
    "Renato Peixe Junior <>"
  "to": [
  "cc": [],
  "bcc": [],
  "replyTo": [
    "Renato Peixe Junior <>"
  "sentDate": "2020-02-10T17:54:40Z[UTC]",
  "receivedDate": "2020-02-10T17:54:52Z[UTC]"
  • data: message content.

  • subject: message subject.

  • from: sender email.

  • to: recipient email.

  • cc: recipients in copy.

  • bcc: recipients in hidden copy.

  • replyTo: email the answer is sent to.

  • sentDate: date when the message was sent.

  • receivedDate: date when the message was received.

Last updated