Azure CosmosDB

Discover more about the Azure CosmosDB connector and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

Azure CosmosDB reads and writes records to the CosmosDB database on Azure cloud platform.


Take a look at the configuration parameters for the connector. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

General tab

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueData type

Dynamic Account

When active, the connector will use the account dynamically. Otherwise, it will use the account statically.



Account Name (DB)

The name of the dynamic account used to connect the connector to the CosmosDB database. This account must have been previously configured in a Store Account connector in the pipeline for this process to take effect. It is only available if the Dynamic Account parameter is active.




The account used by the connector.. It is only available if the Dynamic Account parameter is inactive.



Database Endpoint (DB)

The Azure Cosmos database endpoint to which the connector will connect.



Fail On Error

If the option is activated, the pipeline's execution with an error will be interrupted. Otherwise, the pipeline execution proceeds, but the result will show a false value for the "success" property.



Optional tab

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueData type

Database Name (DB)

The name of the Cosmos database to which the connector should connect. If you produce data and the Create Database If Not Exists parameter is active, the connector automatically creates a Cosmos database.



Container Name (DB)

The name of the Cosmos container to which the connector should connect. If you produce data and the Create Container If Not Exists parameter is active, the connector automatically creates a Cosmos container.



Client Telemetry Enabled

Sets the flag to enable client telemetry, which collects statistics on database operation aggregation and system information such as CPU/memory at regular intervals and sends them to the Cosmos Monitoring Service, which is helpful for troubleshooting. This parameter is inactive by default, indicating that it is an opt-in feature; no telemetry is collected by default.



Connection Sharing Across Clients Enabled

Allows multiple Cosmos Clients to share connections. The parameter is inactive by default. When you have multiple instances of Cosmos Client in the same JVM interacting with multiple Cosmos accounts, activating this option allows sharing of connections in Direct mode, if possible between the instances of Cosmos Client. Please note that when setting this option, the connection configuration (e.g. Socket Timeout Config, Idle Timeout Config) of the first instantiated client will be used for all other client instances.



Consistency Level

Sets the consistency levels supported for Azure Cosmos DB client operations in the Azure Cosmos DB service. The requested ConsistencyLevel must match or be weaker than the one provided for the database account. The consistency levels in order of strength are Strong, Bounded Staleness, Session and Eventual. Further details can be found in the documentation on the consistency levels.



Container Partition Key Path (DB)

Sets the container partition key path.



Content Response On Write Enabled

Sets the boolean value to return only the headers and status code in the Cosmos DB response in case of Create, Update and Delete operations on CosmosItem. It is activated by default in the Consumer, as the ChangeFeed in the consumer requires this flag and should therefore not be overridden. In the Producer, it is recommended to deactivate it as it reduces the network overhead.



Create Container If Not Exists

Determines whether the connector should automatically create the Cosmos container if it doesn't exist in the Cosmos database.



Create Database If Not Exists

Determines whether the connector should automatically create the Cosmos database if it doesn't exist in the Cosmos account.



Multiple Write Regions Enabled

Sets the flag to enable writes on any regions for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB Service. If this parameter is active, the SDK will direct write operations to available writable regions of the geo-replicated database account. Writable regions are ordered according to the Preferred Regions parameter. Activating this parameter has no effect until EnableMultipleWriteRegions in DatabaseAccount is also set to true. This parameter is activated by default, indicating that writes are directed to the available writable regions of the geo-replicated database account.



Preferred Regions (DB)

Sets the comma-separated preferred regions for geo-replicated database accounts. For example, East US as the preferred region. If EnableEndpointDiscovery is true and PreferredRegions is not empty, the SDK will preferentially use the regions in the container in the order in which they were specified for performing operations.



Read Requests Fallback Enabled

Sets whether to allow for reads to go to multiple regions configured on an account of Azure Cosmos DB service. This parameter is active by default. If this property is not set, the default value for all Consistency Levels except Bounded Staleness is true. The default value for Bounded Staleness is false. 1. endpointDiscoveryEnabled is true 2. The Azure Cosmos DB account has more than one region



Item Id (DB)

Sets the itemId if it is required for operation such as deletion or replacement.



Item Partition Key (DB)

Sets the partition key. Represents a partition key value in the Azure Cosmos DB database service. A partition key identifies the partition in which the item is stored.




The CosmosDB operation that can be used with this connector on the producer.

List Databases


Query (DB)

An SQL query to be executed for a specific resource. Learn more about the Cosmos SQL API.



Documentation tab

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueData type


Section for documenting any necessary information about the connector configuration and business rules.



Last updated