Salesforce Trigger - Events

Learn more about the Salesforce Trigger and how to use it in the Digibee Integration Platform.

Salesforce Trigger - Events allows you to capture specific events that occur in Salesforce.

The trigger is activated by events that occur in the Salesforce environment, such as creating, updating, or deleting records.

When one of these events occurs, the trigger can perform certain actions, such as sending notifications, updating related records, and executing custom business processes.


Take a look at the configuration parameters of the trigger. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueData type


Determines how the system manages the recovery of lost events or subscription initialization.

You can choose between LATEST or EARLIEST to meet your specific event processing needs. See the section below to find more information.



Additional information - replayPreset

The replayPreset parameter in the Salesforce Trigger - Events configuration is used to determine how events are handled when a subscription is set up or when an event is lost due to connection issues or other temporary issues. You can select the following options:

  • LATEST: with this option, when a new subscription is set up or an event is missed, the system starts sending events from the most recent event available in the Salesforce topic. This ensures that you only receive events that occurred after your subscription was set up or after the last event you received.

  • EARLIEST: with this option, when a new subscription is established or an event is missed, the system starts sending events from the oldest available event in the Salesforce topic. This ensures that you receive all events that have occurred since the beginning of the event history on the topic, including events that occurred before the subscription was established.

This is an example of the return of a Contact event:

"Received message":{
      "FirstName":"Maria X",

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