Event Trigger

Discover more about the Event Trigger component and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

An event is a message that notifies other components about a change of state, an action or an occurred fact. Event Trigger responds to a specific event generated by another pipeline through Event Publisher. To know more about this component, read the documentation.

You can also learn more about Event-driven architecture in our documentation.


Take a look at the configuration options for the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

Messages flow


The trigger expects a valid message in JSON format. The received message is exactly the one defined in the "body" attribute of the Event Publisher component.

    "id": "1",    
    "description": "Description of the case"


The component retransmits the received message of the previous component with no changes. In the example above, the retransmitted message would be:

    "id": "1",    
    "description": "Description of the case"

Event Trigger in action

To implement an event-driven architecture, it's necessary to define:

  • the pipeline to publish the event (Publisher);

  • one or more pipelines to consume the event (Subscribers).

To configure the pipeline that will publish the event:

  • drag the Event Publisher to the Publisher pipeline canvas;

  • configure the name of the event in the "Event" property of Event Publisher;

  • if you want to define a payload with the event, then define the content in the “Body” property.

To configure the pipeline to consume the event:

  • change the trigger type to Event in the Subscriber pipeline;

  • open the trigger configurations and inform the name of the event to be consumed in the "Name of the Event" property. This value must be identical to the one informed in the Event Publisher of the Publisher pipeline.

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