Object Store

Discover more about the Object Store connector and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

Object Store makes operations to store any document in the Object Store of Digibee. It's a simple and quick way to save useful JSON-type information, which has operations to help in multiple uses during the creation of a pipeline.


Take a look at the configuration parameters of the connector. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

ParameterDescriptionDefault valueData type


Account to be used by the connector. This item can't be changed.

Digibee Object Store Account



Operation to be executed inside Object Store - Find by Object ID, Find By Query, Insert, Aggregate, Update By Object ID, Update By Query, Delete By Object ID, Delete By Query, Create Index, List Indexes and Drop Index.

Find by Object ID


Object Store Name

Name of the collection to be used to record or read information. If it doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.



Expire After Seconds (DB)

Defines the number of seconds after which a document from the Object Store expires.



Object ID (DB)

Identifier of the object to be stored or searched. It can be a unique number or a UUID. This item supports Double Braces.



Limit (DB)

Maximum number of objects to be returned in a search. This item supports Double Braces.



Skip (DB)

Amount of objects to be skipped before returning to the query. This parameter is usually used along with the Limit parameter to create a way of pagination. This item supports Double Braces.



Sort (DB)

Specification of the query ordination rules.



Query (DB)

This JSON field for a query is available only if Find by Query, Aggregate, Update by Query, Delete by Query, Create Index or Drop Index operations are selected.



Document (DB)

Available only if Insert, Update by Object ID, or Update by Query are selected. Double braces expressions are supported.



Unique Index

If the option is activated, an Object ID will be created to accept unique values only; otherwise, a non-unique index will be created.




If the option is activated, all the queries will be delimited in the execution scope.




This option is available only if Update By Object ID or Update By Query operations are selected. When enabled, the item informed for the object will be inserted in the collection in case it doesn't exist.



Fail On Error

If the option is enabled, the execution of the pipeline with error will be interrupted; otherwise, the pipeline execution proceeds, but the result will show a false value for the “success” property.



Best practices

Object Store is an auxiliary database (NoSQL) for integrations. Its use provides more agility and practicality in the development of integrations. To exemplify the applicability of this connector, we list the following good usage practices:

  • The Object Store connector has the function of an intermediary database, i.e., it is used to mediate information between the flows of an integration. It must therefore only be used to store information that is relevant to the integration in question.

  • The Object Store is a temporary database. Once it’s used to intermediate relevant information for the integration flow, old and dispensable data must be regularly removed from the database. You can remove them manually or create an index with a TTL mechanism to automatically expire the old data.

  • Since it is an auxiliary base, the Object Store connector must not be used as a permanent database and only in certain cases, with the purpose of supporting the user in the development of integrations.

  • All data is stored with maximum security within the Digibee Integration Platform. However, we recommend that sensitive data stored in the Object Store be encrypted. To do this, use our encryption connectors available in Canvas.

Messages flow


For this specific connector, the only mandatory input message pattern is the JSON format applied to the object. The input parameter can use the Double Braces syntax to send the received message to the connector.


  • Insert

    "data": [],
    "updateCount": 1
  • Find

   "data": [
           "name": "Galaxy s20",
           "uuid": "123",
           "_oId": "1"
   "rowCount": 1
  • Update

    "data": [],
    "updateCount": 1
  • Delete

    "data": [],
    "updateCount": 1
  • Aggregate

    "data": [],
    "rowCount": 0

Object Store in action

Some output examples of each operation were shown above. See below more applications that demonstrate the correct configuration for a determined result to be obtained:

Insert multiple items at once in a collection

When sending an object array in the query field, the connector inserts each item in a separate way inside the selected collection.

Observe how to configure the connector with the Operation (Insert), Unique Index (False) and Query parameters:

       "id": 1,
       "name": "Galaxy s20",
       "price": 5000
       "id": 2,
       "name": "Samsung 4k 55\"",
       "price": 5000
       "id": 3,
       "name": "Galaxy A10",
       "price": 699
       "id": 4,
       "name": "Galaxy A51",
       "price": 1620


    "data": [],
    "updateCount": 4

The insertion of multiple objects at once is allowed in collections created with Unique Index (False) only. The Unique Index property is defined in the collection creation. After the index is created, it's not possible to change the property.

Find items from a determined query

As an example, consider an Object Store that already has registered product-type items and whose characteristics are name and price.

Observe how to configure the connector with the Operation (Find By Query) and Query parameters:

    "product.price": { $gt: 2000 }


   "data": [
           "product": {
               "id": 1,
               "name": "Galaxy s20",
               "price": 5000
           "_oId": "1"
           "product": {
               "id": 2,
               "name": "Samsung 4k 55\"",
               "price": 5000
           "_oId": "2"
   "rowCount": 2

Find all the items from a query

As an example, consider an Object Store that already has registered product-type items and whose characteristics are name and price.

Observe how to configure the connector with the Operation (Find By Query), Limit (10) and Query parameters:



   "data": [
           "product": {
               "id": 1,
               "name": "Galaxy s20",
               "price": 5000
           "_oId": "1"
           "product": {
               "id": 2,
               "name": "Samsung 4k 55\"",
               "price": 5000
           "_oId": "2"
           "product": {
               "id": 3,
               "name": "Galaxy A10",
               "price": 699
           "_oId": "3"
           "product": {
               "id": 4,
               "name": "Galaxy A51",
               "price": 1620
           "_oId": "4"
   "rowCount": 4

In this specific scenario, the Limit parameter was configured so there wouldn't be an unnecessary overload when returning the objects from an Object Store. If the option isn't configured that way, an "Out Of Memory" error can occur inside the pipeline. In the indicated way, there's control over how many objects are seen in the response.

Update an item from a specific ID

As an example, consider an Object Store that already has registered product-type items and whose characteristics are name and price.

Observe how to configure the connector with the Operation (Update By Object ID), Object ID (3) and Document parameters:

   $set: {
       "product": {
         "id": 3,
         "name": "Galaxy A10",
         "price": 605


    "data": [],
    "updateCount": 1

In this specific scenario, it's possible to see that the output is only an object identifying an update. To check if the object has been properly updated, repeat the ID search scenario.

If the Object Store connector is involved in updates, inside an iteration connector (For Each, Stream File Reader, etc.) and making parallel executions, there can be concurrence in the registers update if the update instructions are exactly the same. Consequently, one instruction will return "updateCount":1 and the other "updateCount": 0. It happens when 2 registers that are exactly the same get into the Object Store operation pool and the update or insertion instructions (with the Upsert parameter enabled) are sequentially executed. The first instruction makes an update and the second one finds the already-persisted register and checks there's nothing to be changed, returning there was no need for an action ("updateCount": 0).

Remove an item from a specific ID

As an example, consider an Object Store that already has registered product-type items and whose characteristics are name and price.

Observe chow to configure the connector with the Operation (Delete By Object Id) and Object ID (4) parameters:


    "data": [],
    "updateCount": 1

In this specific scenario, it's possible to see that the output is only an object that identifies the update. To check if the object has been properly updated, repeat the ID search scenario.

Aggregation to copy the collection

As an example, consider an Object Store called "product" that already has registered product-type items and whose characteristics are name and price. From that, create a new Object Store called "product-backup", copying all the items of the collection mentioned above.

You must receive an object array containing the query aggregation pipelines in the Document parameter.

Observe how to configure the connector with the Operation (Aggregate) and Query parameters:

       $merge: {
           into: "product-backup",
           on: "_id",
           whenMatched: "replace",
           whenNotMatched: "insert"

In this specific scenario, the query was configured to replace the repeated items with the new ones in the collection.


    "data": [],
    "rowCount": 0

To check if the collection has been properly created with the proposed items, repeat the search scenario with all the items and inform the new collection.

Aggregation to filter collection items

You must receive an object array containing the query aggregation pipelines in the Document parameter.

Observe how to configure the connector with the Operation (Aggregate) and Query parameters:

       $match: {
           "product.price": {
               $gt: 3000
       $group: {
           _id: null,
           count: {
               $sum: 1

In this specific scenario, the query was configured to search products that has a determined value and to show their sum.


    "data": [{
        "count": 2
    "rowCount": 0

Create an index with expiration time

With the Object Store it’s possible to create an index with a TTL (Time to live) attribute, with which you can define an expiration strategy for the documents. This behavior is controlled in the Expire after seconds parameter. Here are some examples of how you can create indexes with expiration strategies:

Create an index with constant TTL

See an example for the configuration of the parameters Expire after seconds and Query:

The name of the field must match the date attribute of your document, which will control the lifetime of the object. In addition, all documents with this field are automatically deleted after the number of seconds specified in the Expire after seconds parameter.


    "data": "expiresAt_1",
    "rowCount": 0

Create an index with custom dates

See an example for the configuration of the parameters Expire after seconds and Query:

The name of the field must match the date attribute of your document, which will control the lifetime of the object. You must also set the Expire after seconds parameter to 0.

In this scenario, the expiration is defined with the datetime defined in the value of the corresponding field in the Query parameter.

When you insert new documents, make sure that the field you have configured in the index is created with a date value.

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Galaxy s20",
    "price": 5000,
    "expiresAt": new Date()

The TTL index doesn't ensure that expired data is deleted immediately after expiration. There may be a delay between the time a document expires and the time the Object Store removes the document from the database. This happens because the background task that removes expired documents runs every 60 seconds.

List all indexes

This operation must list all indexes that the user has created in an Object Store.


  "data": [
      "v": 2,
      "key": {
        "expiresAt": 1
      "name": "expiresAt_1",
      "expireAfterSeconds": 0
  "rowCount": 1

Drop an existing index

In this operation, it’s possible to drop an index previously created by the customer.

See how to configure the connector with the Drop Index Operation and Query parameter:

    "expiresAt": 1


    "data": "expiresAt_1",
    "rowCount": 0


Object Store uses search operators and objects aggregation similar to the MongoDB syntax. Refer to the MongoDB external documentation to learn more.

The Object Store data is isolated between environments. However, the Test environment data shares the same environment as the Execution panel data.

Last updated