How to archive a group integration

Learn how to archive a group integration

The Integration of IdP groups with Digibee groups feature is currently in beta phase. Learn more about the Beta Program.

When you archive a group integration, all permissions granted by those groups are lost.

Once you have archived a group integration, you cannot undo it, but you can create a new group integration with the same settings.

Follow these steps to archive a group integration:

  1. Go to the Administration page.

  2. Click on Groups.

  3. Click on the Group Integrations tab.

  4. Search the table for the group integration you want to archive, or use the search bar.

  5. Click on the box icon.

  6. Write a note explaining why you are archiving that group integration.

  7. Click on ARCHIVE.

If you archive all active group integrations, your realm will be considered a non-federated realm again. This means:

  • Users in this realm who log in with an Identity Provider (IdP) still have the same permissions as the Digibee groups that correspond to the archived group integrations.

  • Users of this realm who log in with Digibee credentials will continue to receive their permissions from the Digibee groups they belong to.

Last updated