Date functions

Learn about date functions in the Digibee Integration Platform and how to use them.

The date functions treat, generate and convert dates and are available for components that support Double Braces expressions. To know how to provide information to the components using this resource, refer to Double Braces Functions.


By using Double Braces, you can combine the function with the access to the input JSON element of a component.

The function is applied to format date and time (including the possibility of treating your locale and timezone).


FORMATDATE(value, "origin-format", "destination-format", "locale-origin"?, "timezone-origin"?, "locale-destination"?, "timezone-destination"?)

The items included with "?" can be defined with null value.

  • date format definition: dd/MM/yyyy. It's also possible to define the 'timestamp' word only.

  • the value will be always converted with ISO Zoned Date/Time.

Input value:

"date": "10/10/2010 11:59:59",
"date_no_time": "30/10/2010",
"time_no_date": "11:12:13",
"timestamp_date": 1564670039000,
"date_time_utc" : "2012-10-01T09:45:00.0000000+00:00"

Conversion examples:


"timezone_conversion": {{ FORMATDATE(, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss z", null, "GMT-3", null, "UTC") }},

"simple_date": {{ FORMATDATE(message.date_no_time, "dd/MM/yyyy", "MM/dd/yyyy") }},

"simple_time": {{ FORMATDATE(message.time_no_date, "HH:mm:ss", "ss:mm:HH") }},

"date_from_timestamp": {{FORMATDATE(message.timestamp_date, "timestamp", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")}},

"simple_date_to_timestamp": {{ FORMATDATE(message.simple_date, "dd/MM/yyyy", "timestamp") }},

"iso_date_time": {{FORMATDATE(message.timestamp_date, "timestamp", null)}} ,

"date_month_name_pt_br": {{ FORMATDATE( NOW(), "timestamp", "dd/MMMM/yyyy", null, null, "pt-BR", null) }},

"date_time_utc" : {{FORMATDATE(message.date_time_utc, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSS+SS:SS", "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")}}



By using Double Braces, you can combine the function with the access to the input JSON element of a component.

The function is applied to return double value from a whole number.



"now": {{ NOW() }},

"currentDate": {{FORMATDATE(NOW(), "timestamp", "yyyyMMdd", null, "GMT-3") }},

"currentTime": {{FORMATDATE(NOW(), "timestamp", "HHmmss", null, "GMT-3") }},

"tomorrow": {{ FORMATDATE( TOLONG( SUM(NOW(),86400000)), "timestamp", "yyyyMMdd") }},

"time5minBefore": {{ TOLONG( SUBTRACT( NOW(), TOLONG("300000"))) }}


The return of this function will be the current date in milliseconds.


By using Double Braces, you can combine the function with the access to the input JSON element of a component.

The function returns the sum or subtraction of a determined date and time given a time unit.


SUMDATE(milliseconds:number, unit:string, value:string)

milliseconds: timestamp

unit: time unit (accepted values: hour, minute, second, day, month and year)

value: date and time values to be added

zoneId: zone of the informed date (standard: UTC)

The accepted zones (UTC) are:

  • Australia/Darwin

  • Australia/Sydney

  • America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires

  • Africa/Cairo

  • America/Anchorage

  • America/Sao_Paulo

  • Asia/Dhaka

  • Africa/Harare

  • America/St_Johns

  • America/Chicago

  • Asia/Shanghai

  • Africa/Addis_Ababa

  • Europe/Paris

  • America/Indiana/Indianapolis

  • Asia/Kolkata

  • Asia/Tokyo

  • Pacific/Apia

  • Asia/Yerevan

  • Pacific/Auckland

  • Asia/Karachi

  • America/Phoenix

  • America/Puerto_Rico

  • America/Los_Angeles

  • Pacific/Guadalcanal

  • Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh

Let's say you need to obtain date and time adding 10 seconds to it. You can do the following:

{"test": {{ SUMDATE (1599368565518, "SECOND", 10) }}}

The expected result will be:



By using Double Braces, you can combine the function with the access to the input JSON element of a component.

The function is applied to convert date and time to ISO Date (including the possibility to treat your locale and timezone).


TOISODATE(valor, "formatSource", "formatDestination", "locale"?, "timezone"?)

The items included with "?" can be defined with null value.

  • definition of the date format: dd/MMMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. It's also possible to define the 'timestamp' word only.

  • If the timezone isn't defined, the UTC will be used.

Input value:

"date": "10/10/2010 11:59:59",
"date_with_tz": "10/10/2010 11:59:59 GMT-03:00",
"localized_date_with_tz": "10/Outubro/2010 11:59:59 GMT-03:00",
"timestamp_date": "1564670039000",
"date_no_time": "30/09/2018"

Conversion examples:


"forced_utc_no_locale": {{TOISODATE(, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", null, "UTC")}},

"inferred_tz_no_locale": {{TOISODATE(message.date_with_tz, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss z")}},

"localized_date_with_tz": {{TOISODATE(message.localized_date_with_tz, "dd/MMMM/yyyy HH:mm:ss z", "pt-BR")}},

"date_generated_from_timestamp": {{TOISODATE(message.timestamp_date, "timestamp")}},

"iso_datetime_from_date_only": {{TOISODATE(message.date_no_time, "dd/MM/yyyy", null, "GMT-3")}}



This function allows you to calculate the difference of time between two dates.


DIFFDATE(timestamp1, timestamp2, "timeUnit")
  • The dates that will be used must be in timestamp format.

  • The timeUnit parameter only accept the values: year, month, day, hour, minute, second e millisecond.

  • The calculation applied will be: timestamp2 - timestamp1

Input values:

"timestamp1": "1550458800000",
"timestamp2": "1613617200000"

Application examples:


"years": {{ DIFFDATE(message.timestamp1, message.timestamp2, "year") }},

"months": {{ DIFFDATE(message.timestamp1, message.timestamp2, "month") }},

"hours": {{ DIFFDATE(message.timestamp1, message.timestamp2, "hour") }}


If the function receives 2 dates that have a difference lower than 1 based on the time unit given, the result will be 0. If the timestamp1 parameter is greater than timestamp2, the function will return the negative difference.

Last updated

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