How to generate, convert, and register SSH Keys

Learn how to register SSH Keys for use on the Digibee Integration Platform.

SSH keys are authentication mechanisms, similar to a username and password, for the SSH (Secure Shell) network protocol. At Digibee, they are commonly used in AWS services.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Generate SSH Keys

  • Register these keys on AWS to be used on the Digibee Integration Platform.

  • Create files in .ppk format.

  • Convert .ppk files to .pem format.

Step 1: Generating SSH Keys

  1. Generate SSH keys using a trusted external tool. Ensure that the keys meet the parameters specified below:

  • Algorithm: Select RSA.

  • RSA Key Size: Select 2048.

  1. In the Passphrase field, enter the password to be used for key generation. Be sure to save this passphrase, as you will need it in later steps.

  2. Copy and save the Private Key and Public Key values.

  3. Paste the Private Key value into a text file and save it in .pem format.

Step 2: Registering the Keys on the Digibee Integration Platform

Once you have the Private Key (or certificate) in .pem format, you must register it on the Digibee Integration Platform as a Private key account.

  1. On the Platform's homepage, click Settings in the upper-right corner. Then, click Accounts in the menu on the left.

  2. Click the Create button.

  3. Select the Account Type as private-key.

  4. Paste the value of the Passphrase into the field with the same name.

  5. In the KEY field, paste the entire content of the Private Key in .pem format.

  6. Fill in the values for both environments (Test and Prod) and click Save.

When using the connector that requires the Private Key, simply select the created account.

Step 3: Creating the.ppk files

In some cases, in FileZilla for example, the keys are consumed via the.ppk format.

i: To execute this step, you must download and install PuTTYgen on your machine.

  1. Open PuTTYgen.

  2. Click Load and select All Files in the search, in the box next to File Name.

  3. Select your.pem format file that contains the Private Key and click Open.

  4. Paste the Passphare value in the new window and click OK.

  5. A message informing that the key has been successfully imported will be displayed on the page. Click OK.

  6. Now you need to export the key in .ppk format. Click Save private key and/or Save public key.

  7. Name the file (for example, privateKey.ppk) and click Save.

Converting.ppk files into.pem format

If you have a .ppk file, it’s necessary to execute the conversion to the .pem format before registering the SSH Keys on the Digibee Integration Platform.

  1. Open PuTTYgen and click the Conversions menu.

  2. Select Import Key and browse your file in .ppk format.

  3. Enter the Passphrase in the window that opens and click OK.

  4. Click the Conversions menu and select Export OpenSSH Key.

  5. Name the file and click Save.

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