Completed executions
Track and monitor deployed integration pipelines' metrics.
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Track and monitor deployed integration pipelines' metrics.
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A completed execution is the end-to-end execution of a pipeline, that is, the record of what happened inside it, from the moment the input passed through the trigger until it ran through the last component in the pipeline.
In the completed executions tab, you can keep track of pipeline executions and their log histories, as well as re-execute them.
Select the desired environment in the upper left corner. When you select an environment, the whole page refreshes to show the data related to the pipelines in that environment.
You can filter pipeline executions using the following parameters:
Time Period: you can filter pipelines executed in the last 5, 15 or 60 minutes, as well as select a specific time interval
Message type: the execution status of the pipeline
Response: executions completed without any interruption
Error: interrupted executions
All: any execution
Pipeline name: the pipeline's full name
Pipeline version (major or minor)
Pipeline execution key: a unique identifier of each execution of a pipeline
Payload: the pipeline input or output in JSON format. This search field uses Elasticsearch’s simple query string syntax
Source: the pipeline trigger
Error code: a pipeline execution error code, according to the HTTP Status Code pattern.
Command: you can search using the CTRL+ENTER (Windows) or CMD+ENTER (Mac) command as an alternative to the Search button.
The completed executions are shown below according to the specified parameters:
Click the magnifying glass icon to open the execution details sidesheet or the refresh icon to re-execute the pipeline.
Re-execute a pipeline manually when troubleshooting, not as part of your integration process. To do that, its trigger must have the “Allow Redelivery of Messages” option activated.
When you click on the magnifying glass icon in the completed executions table, a sidesheet will appear showing the execution details:
Pipeline key: a unique identifier of a pipeline execution
Request message: the JSON data sent by the pipeline trigger
Response message: the pipeline’s JSON output
You can also click the button in the upper right corner to access on Canvas the pipeline execution you are analyzing.
The “message” is the data that is transmitted in JSON format through the pipeline. Each component of the pipeline receives, manipulates, and exports a message. Only the first 50 pipeline messages are shown, and only for pipelines executed in the Execution panel.
In some cases, the Platform presents truncated payloads, according to the following criteria:
Smaller than 32kb
Full exhibition
Between 32kb and 320kb
Partial exhibition
Larger than 320kb
Warning @@DGB_TRUNCATED@@ is shown