Know the component and how to use it.
HL7 component sends information to healthcare systems via the HL7 (Health Level 7) communications protocol, a healthcare industry standard for exchanging data between different systems and medical devices.
Take a look at the configuration parameters of the component:
Host: HL7 server host.
Port: HL7 server port. MLLP protocol usually runs under port 2575.
Connect Timeout (ms): time limit for the connection of the platform to the server (in milliseconds).
HL7 Message: message field that contains the data to be used. This field supports Double Braces expressions.
HL7 Message Charset: charset for the HL7 message.
Advanced Settings: if the option is active, you can access the following configurations:
Connection Pool: number of available connection pools.
Enable Retries: if the option is active, it will allow retries if the execution fails.
Number of Retries: defines the number of retries if the execution fails.
Time to Wait Between Retries (in ms): defines the time interval between retries (in milliseconds).
Fail on Error: if the option is active, the execution of the pipeline with error will be interrupted; otherwise, the pipeline execution proceeds, but the result will show a false value for the “success” property.
Messages flow
When executing a HL7 component, the following JSON structure will be generated:
success: if “true”, the operation has been successfully executed; if “false”, the operation failed.
exitcode: exit code.
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