How to install Digibeectl on Windows

Learn how to install Digibeectl if your operational system is Windows.

If you previously installed Digibeectl, please download the file again and replace the existing one to update Digibeectl.

To install Digibeectl on Windows, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Digibeectl ZIP file below according to your processor (CPU) architecture.

  • 32 bits:

  • 64 bits

  1. Extract the files to a folder on your computer. To better use Digibeectl, add the extracted file (.exe) on your root path. For example, if your root path is C:\Users\username, extract the files inside it.

  2. Open the Command Prompt (CMD) and type the path where the extracted Digibeectl file is located. For example: cd C:\Path\To\Folder\Digibeectl.

  3. Enter the command below to configure the credentials for using Digibeectl:

digibeectl set config --file "path/file.json" --secret-key "encryption-key" --auth-key "encryption-password"

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