Digibeectl syntax

Understand Digibeectl syntax.

Digibeectl uses the GET and SET commands so that you can easily configure your customer. The information is automatically saved in a configuration file, which uses the format below with the following commands:

digibeectl [command] [subcommand | resource] [flags]
  • command: specifies the operation that you want to perform on one or more resources. For example completion, config, create, delete, get, help, info, set, update, version.

  • subcommand: specifies a specific action or category within a command that further refines the operation. For example, in the config command, you might have subcommands like set, get, view, list, use, delete.

  • resource: specifies resource to be accessed. For example api-mgmt-credentials, api-mgmt-url, config, deployment, deployment-history, pipeline.

  • flags: specifies optional flags. For example, you can use the -e or --environment to filter deployments by environment (default "test").

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