Available metrics
Discover more about the available alerts metrics on the Digibee Integration Platform
Invocations and Executions
Pipeline executions per second (EPS)
This Pipeline executions per second shows the average number of pipeline executions per second.
Pipeline executions per second per instance (eps)
The Pipeline executions per second per instance metric determines the number of executions per second of a pipeline per instance.
Pipeline Messages in Queue
The Pipeline Messages in Queue metric shows the total number of messages waiting to be processed in the execution queue, for all pipeline replicas. This informs users when the volume of incoming requests requires a larger number of pipeline replicas to increase the available processing capacity.
Pipeline Inflights Executions (messages)
Pipeline Inflight Executions is a metric that shows the total number of inflight executions (in messages) of a pipeline - for all replicas - for the interval in the selected time period. This information is useful to determine if the number of replicas and concurrent executions selected during the deployment were appropriate.
Trigger Invocations
The Trigger Invocations metric shows how many times the pipeline has been triggered and tracks the number of messages added to the trigger in the execution queue. All results are taken into account, including executions with timeouts and errors.
Pipeline Executions
The Pipeline executions metric represents the number of executions of a pipeline in a given period of time.
Pipeline Message size (bytes) - request and response
Pipeline Message Size is a metric that shows the average request and response message size (in bytes) for all pipeline replicas for the interval in the selected time period. This information is useful to determine if the pipeline size selected during deployment was appropriate.
Resource Allocations
Pipeline CPU Usage (%) - AVG, MAX and MIN
The Pipeline CPU Usage metric shows the average, maximum and minimum percentage of CPU usage for each pipeline replica.
Pipeline Memory Usage (%) - AVG, MAX and MIN
The Pipeline Memory Usage metric shows the average, maximum and minimum percentage of memory usage for each replica of the pipeline.
Running replicas
The Runnin replicas metric shows the amount of replicas running in a given time. This metric helps analyze how replicas scale in response to changes in workload demand, including downscaling and upscaling.
Response Time (ms)
Total response time
The Total response time metrics represent the pipeline processing time (pipeline response time) including also the trigger invocation and time spent in the request queue.
Pipeline response time
Pipeline Response Time is a metric that shows the average time (in milliseconds) it took the pipeline to generate a response. The average is calculated considering the time intervals over the selected period for all replicas.
The response time is given by the elapsed time between the message leaving the execution queue and the pipeline generating a response. The response time is not affected by how long the message remains in the execution queue.
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