Totvs Live

Learn more about each capsule of the Totvs Live collection.

To access the Totvs Live collection and use the features presented in this article, you need the permission PIPELINE:CREATE. Learn more in the documentation about Roles.

The Totvs Live collection of capsules provides resources commonly used in pipelines to make their construction more productive. Below you can learn more about each capsule in the collection.

Query Ticket Status

This capsule encapsulates the ConsultarStatusTicketLC_Integracao method call into Totvs Live API.

Capsule configuration parameters

  • ws-live-url: Totvs Live instance url.


    "numeroTicket": "0999999999999999",
    "manter":"any value you want to keep in the output of the component"



    "encontrouRegistros": true|false,
    "status": 200,
    "processStatus": "ERROR|PROCESSING|SUCCESS",
    "items": [],
    "manter": "any value entered in this field will be retained"

Process Status rules:

  • If an item is waiting to be processed: PROCESSING

  • If an item has an error, or has been processed but had an error message, and no item is being processed: ERROR

  • If an item has been processed with a non-existent error and is not being processed: SUCCESS


    "timestamp": 1559243275088,
    "error": "Não foi possível consultar ticket.",
    "code": 500,
    "manter": "qualquer valor que tiver sido passado aqui será mantido"

Retrieve Stores

This capsule encapsulates the RecuperarLojasLC_Integracao_Xml method call at Totvs Live API.

Capsule configuration parameters

  • ws-live-url: Totvs Live instance url.


    "retornaTodasLojas": "true",
    "manter" "qualquer valor que queira manter na saida do conector"



    "encontrouRegistros": true,
    "status": 200,
    "data": 30052019,
    "hora": 191120,
    "codigoSistemaSatelite": 999999999,
    "numeroTicketSaida": 999999999999,
    "lojas": [],
    "manter": "qualquer valor que tiver sido passado aqui será mantido"


"timestamp": 1559243275088,
"error": "Não foi possível recuperar lojas.",
"code": 500,
"manter": "qualquer valor que tiver sido passado aqui será mantido"

Retrieve Customer

This capsule encapsulates the RecuperarClienteLC_Integracao method call at Totvs Live API.

Capsule configuration parameters

  • ws-live-url: Totvs Live instance url.


    "manter":"qualquer valor que queira manter na saida do conector"



    "encontrouRegistros": false,
    "status": 200,
    "data": "5/30/2019",
    "hora": "4:04 PM",
    "numeroTicketSaida": 999999999999,
    "codigoSistemaSatelite": 999999999,
    "clientes": [],
    "manter": "qualquer valor que tiver sido passado aqui será mantido"


    "timestamp": 1559243275088,
    "error": "Não foi possível recuperar clientes.",
    "code": 500,
    "manter": "qualquer valor que tiver sido passado aqui será mantido"

Last updated

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