Discover more about the GZIP V2 component and how to use it on the Digibee Integration Platform.

GZIP V2 zips a JSON or a text as a string in base64 or file. The component also compresses and decompresses files in gzip format. This version of the component supports Double Braces.


Take a look at the configuration options for the component. Parameters supported by Double Braces expressions are marked with (DB).

Messages flow


For the Compress Fields and Decompress Fields operations, the component is expected to receive a JSON with the fields configured in the JSON Fields property.


With the following configurations:

JSON Fields = field1,field2

The expected JSON must at least have:

"field1": "SOMETHING",
"field2": "SOMETHING"

For the Compress Payload and Decompress Payload operations, you must configure the Payload field to make the compression/decompression.


With the following configurations:

Payload = {{ message.field1 }}

The JSON must have this value:

"field1": "SOMETHING"

For the Compress File and Decompress File operations, you must configure the file to be compressed/decompressed and the resulting file of this operation.


File Name = file.csv
GZIP File Name = file.gzip


For the Compress Fields and Decompress Fields operations, the input message is preserved.

For the Compress Payload and Decompress Payload operations, if the output is a file:

"success": "true",
"fileName": "file.csv"

For the Compress Payload and Decompress Payload operations, if the output is a string:

"success": "true",

For the Compress File and Decompress File operations:

"success": "true",
"fileName": "file.csv",
"gzipFileName": "file.csv"

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